1. Wash
all jars and sealing closures in hot soapy water, rinse. It is not required to
dry them. If using previously used bottles and or seals carefully inspect for
any imperfections and if present discard.
2. Heat
the jars, place a rack within the bottom section of a boiling- water canner.
Next place required number of jars into canner and fill with water. Bring to a
simmer and temperature of 182° F. Keep jars hot until needed.
Prepare and sterilize the closures. The screw seals do not require heating,
actually it is required that the screw bands be at room temperature for
sealing. However, the flat closures must be sterilized, place in small pan,
cover with water and bring to a simmer (182° F). Keep hot until needed.
Prepare the recipe as per method. If doubling the recipe or if cooking time is
greater than 30- 40 minutes, the jar sterilization process (steps 2 and 3) can
be postponed until the tomato sauce is returned to saucepan and brought to a
boil (as this step usually takes time).
5. Fill
the jars one jar at a time. Remove each jar as needed from water canner. Place
jar on wood/ towel (heat resistant) surface to prevent jar temperature shock
and breakage. Place funnel in jar and ladle hot sauce/liquid leaving ½ inch
headspace from top. Next to reduce air bubbles place rubber utensil in jar and
move around 2- 3 times. With a clean damp cloth wipe rim. Using a utensil
(tongs) retrieve a flat closure from water and place over jar opening, place
screw seal on jar and tighten with hands. Do not use tools to over tighten
seals as it can cause seal failure. Caution- jars are hot, oven mitts/tea
towels can be useful in this process to prevent discomfort.
filled jar to hot water canner and repeat process until all jars are filled.
6. Heat
process. Once all jars are filled in the canner correct water level so all jars
are covered by 1 inch of water over top. Place lid over canner and turn heat to
high, bring to a rolling boil. Process 1 litre jars for 40 minutes under a
constant boil.
Cooling and removal of jars. Remove canner lid and let jars stand for 5 minutes
in canner to release the pressure. Lift jars straight wards out using utensil.
Place jars upright on a towel in an undisturbed area for 24 hours. Place tea
towel over jars to prevent any drafts from interfering with the sealing
Checking for proper sealing. Jars after being processed and left to cool for 24
hours will demonstrate a concaved centre with regards to the flat sealing
closure on top. There should be no movement from the flat seal closure. Refrigerate
any bottles that have not been sealed properly and use within 1-2 days.
9. Store
sealed jars in a cool dry place and consume within 1 year for best quality.
Label each jar with the date processed and main ingredients.